TAMH: Mariners and Voyages

Vessel: Hopewell

Register PortDundee
 Arrived from Stockholm
MerchantsJ Man; A Boyture; J Simpson; A Jak; D Mwdy(?); J Downie; A Rankine; R Morris; W Walker; R Symer; W Kinloch; J Rankine; W Durhame; J Morgan
Voyage Date07-09-1615
Source Referencedsl trans p263
Voyage ID347

Quhilk day coperit James Downye skipper & Mr vnder god of ane schip of the burt of dundie callit the hoipweill And entered the said schip laitlie arrived frome stockhollme Contenand the goods vnder written pteining to ye psones following viz. Nyne last pteining to James man. Item sevin last thrie schip pund Irone pteining to Alex boyture. Item sex lasts twelff schip pund Irone pteining to James symsone. Item sex last xij schip lib Irone pteining to Alex Jak. Item thrie barrell Irone pteining to David mwdy. Item ten brll & ij schip lib Irone pteining to James Downye. Item ten brlls iij schip lib Irone pteining to Alex renkyne fyve last vj brl iij schip lib Irone pteining to Rt moreis. Item ane last viij brl Irone pteining to Wm walker. Item iiij brl Irone pteining to Rot Symer. Item fyve brl Irone pteining to Wm kynloch. Item ten brl Irone pteining to Jon renkyne. Item thrie brl Irone pteining to Walt durhame. Item fyve brl Irone pteining to Wm gulland And sex brl Irone pteining to Jon morgund.


MarinerTitleHome Port
Downie, JamesMasterDundee